Thursday, February 16, 2012

                                           A PREFACE TO THESE ARE WORDS

These are words. Yes, the very ones you are reading right now. They are the building blocks of sentences. In my opinion, they are the single most important thing in this world, yet somehow, people seem to disregard this quintessential fact on a day-to-day basis. My name is Jay, your curator, your Master of Ceremonies in this wondrous celebration of words. This blog is aimed to be my ventilation space for all of the nonsensical, adolescent ruminations that constantly plague my mind. And be warned, I can be VERY VERBOSE (hang on to that thought, you'll see it in action soon enough). It is my intention to post a daily rant about a word that played a significant role in my day or thoughts throughout the day. As a lover of words, it is my duty to spread them to an appreciatively-impoverished world who is still somehow starving for words.Words encompass life and human essence. Words can turn strangers into friends, friends into lovers, and lovers into strangers. Words can move mountains, start wars, build nations, and collapse empires. Words are everywhere. Your very conscience is comprised of your mind and the words it associates itself with. So when thrown into the fray, words will be your escape. My personal weapon of choice? My words, of course.

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