Sunday, February 19, 2012

     Show of hands, who here has yearned for something today? Hmm? Everybody? Fascinating. It appears to always be the case that we as beings are never truly content with where we are in. We demand more, we NEED more to get us through the day. This was certainly one of those days for me. Having this paper-thin cell of a room taunt me with memories of my real home made me yearn for a place where I can be myself. And so, a vast majority of the day was spent yearning for my homeland, the City of Bears and Bricks (only a select few will understand that reference). And it made me yearn for their wonderful, smiling faces, nestled in the laughter from something nonsensical I said or did. The obligatory sigh came subsequently when I realized that I was still an overwhelming amount of days from such a reunion. A swift jab to the emotions it was to come to terms with the fact that this setting would be my own for just about another two unbearable weeks.
    Luckily, my day was filled with other kinds of yearning, as well, some positive, some recreational. I dwelled on my original plan to open up a T-Shirt stand on campus that would sell awesome, Indie-inspired design shirts and would allow me to accumulate some coin on the side. I also yearned for any form of coin, as well. Let's just say a frog would have a feast if I were to open my wallet in front of it. Yeah, I'm THAT kind of broke right now. Heck, I couldn't even afford a stupid Metrocard to meet my bass instructor uptown. I also yearned for a better sense of judgment that would've slapped me silly for not having a job while I'm in the state that I am. But I suppose I'll take that one in strides. Lastly, I spent a very large portion of the day yearning to voice words that I have been consistently unable to. Not only to the Procreator, but to positive people in my life. If only there were a solvent solution for this mouth of mine that has been super-glued shut. Some people deserve to hear what's on mind - whether it be the bitter pill that we've come to know as the truth, the mercurial words that have been held back by my silver tongue, or the words of adoration I darenot utter for fear of their result. I suppose I should be yearning for some risks. I'm far too safe in my decisions. Maybe I'll cut off all of my hair, get a tattoo (or several), invest in a Harley, and ride it around while blasting every last song from Journey. Yeah, that'll do the trick... someday...

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