Monday, July 2, 2012


Investments. Be they a financial or emotional one, the outcome can either be plentiful or horrific. Today started with me investing a lot energy in searching for some part-time summer employment. I even donned a monkey 90 degree Brooklyn. I left the house, blue folder with 10 copies of my resume in hand, and went to about 12 different local businesses. NONE were hiring. I got about 9 "we'll get back to you" 's. Sigh. Had I invested energy sooner, I might actually could've been employed by now. I was rather disgruntled by my inability to snag something as trivial as a part-time summer job. My angst was palpable. I writhed in financial anguish for quite a few hours. By dinnertime, the Procreator dragged me to the mall to help lug home her assorted mall groceries. I actually didn't mind, because I love the atmosphere of the mall. What did mind was her INCESSANT droning on with questions and comments that only she cares about. Y'know, there's a difference between a conversation and you thinking out loud - a conversation involves TWO people mutually exchanging words. No social contract states that I'm obliged to listen and/or respond to you verbalizing your trivial thoughts. I digress. Back to the story. So we settled on eating at Target for dinner, where the tables were all conjoined, so you're always sitting next to a stranger. Oddly enough, I just so happened to be seated next to a trio of millionaires. I kid you not. Sophie, Gloria, and Joan, the proud owners of a hefty $142 million for investing in coffee stock. They were cultural and behavioral anthropologists who had noticed that coffee is the second-most desired substance on the planet besides oil. And since their initial investment in September, the trio has been on an uphill financial climb.
    They followed up the initial discussion with some wise advice on my job hunting. (Direct quote from Gloria) "If you invest effort, you will reap the rewards." I smiled because I saw what she had done there. But even out of context, it was still good advice. That what was missing from my life - a sense of investment. If I confided in the idea of investing effort enough, surely something as menial as a summer job would be all but mine. I couldn't help but think of placing this advice in a more romantic context. I've already invested so much emotion with Her, but I hadn't invested enough effort. She's always so hard to get a hold of. She sporadically comments on things, (she has some cute phrases that make me swoon, not to mention she uses terms of endearment that make me melt a little) only to disappear shortly after. As soon as I manned up and decided to initiate a conversation, (Lord knows about what though, I would've frozen after a simple "hello") I'm informed  that she is no longer online *allows a singular manly tear to roll down his right cheek* As far as personal experience goes, it seems that she might like me...I pray. It would just kinda really bum me out to see her in anybody else's arms. Most other guys find her attractive because of her physical attributes; those are absolutely secondary to me. Her personality goes above and beyond what I could want. When I think up the perfect girl for me, she still doesn't hold a candle to Her. It's my hope that if I put my effort forth that she will reciprocate my feelings for her. Now that's a worthy investment if ever there were one.

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