Friday, March 2, 2012


      Nostradamus, you silly bird. What gives your Doomsday Theory any more veracity than the impending threat of Y2K? And what on earth prompted you to come to such a conclusion? Nevertheless, the widespread rumors of "Nostradamus Day" or simply "2012" have reached a global scale. But whose to say this iteration of the death of mankind is legitimate? I digress. I should say, however, that this premise has become the main premise of a new series that I concocted. Y'see, I tend to make up a lot of shows in head, primarily American Animes, but for once, I wanted to delve into field of scripted television. This led to my creation of a series I like to call The Remainders. It's an action/mystery/survival show, somewhat in the vain of Lost, except the storyline isn't riddled with mind-numbing complications.
      The show spans a total of four seasons, each season containing 10 episodes, and each episode being an hour long, for a total of 40 hours of airtime. The first three seasons follow a different pair of protagonists in a different setting of the world, where they have both come to the conclusion that they are the sole survivors of the world. Season 1 is set in New York, Season 2 in Paris, and Season 3 in South Africa. The plot begins on January 1, 2013 (each episode will indicate the date, and each season will repeat the same dates with different characters and scenarios up until Season 4, where everyone is up to the same point in time), a few days after Nostradamus' prediction came true. Season 1 follows the survival story of Pierce Chenrey, a 24 year old former CIA Agent and Brenda Haplon, a 24 year old accountant who has little faith in men, due to all her past relationships. The two have to outlive the throes of a "Postradamus" New York, where they are sole human survivors, and few animals are left alive. They manage to befriend one - a lovable dog named Heston, who becomes their one source of happiness in this dull, abandoned world. While traversing through a forest that was primarily unscathed by the cataclysm (thus is still home to many animals), Heston is bitten a poisonous snake and dies, right before they find an abandoned airplane. During the season finale, they decide to use Pierce's piloting knowledge to go to the place where a mysterious transmission was sent, urging them to join "The Remainders' Convention."
    Season 2 follows the survival story of Rory Nebeaux and Matilda D'noir, a pair of Parisians who believe fate and love have brought them together in a world where only they (believe they) exist. They quickly fall madly in love, and decide that it is up to them to find some way to repopulate the world. Eight months into Matilda's pregnancy, they find a strange computer that was also sent a transmission informing them to come to the mysterious "Remainders' Convention." Season 3 follows the story of an American doctor, 42 year-old Jack Pinsley, who now lives in South Africa, and a young, light-skinned boy, Lutir, age 17. After much traversing, they meet a third survivor with whom they immediately distrust, Olayinka, a female tribeswoman who is incidentally Lutir's age. After many bouts with the remaining wildlife, Pinsley gets an unknown email on his laptop telling him to gather his group of survivors, and head to Italy for "The Remainders' Convention." Season 4 is set in Italy, where all the protagonists of the first three seasons meet up and interact for the first time. They are greeted by "The Oligarchy," a group of three Italian survivors, Dante, Vicente, and Lucia, all who sent out the transmissions for The Remainders' Convention. It is later revealed that the Convention is a ploy to have the other survivors killed off and allow The Oligarchy to repopulate the world and share the crown of world domination. Blood is shed and a few protagonists die along the way, but the original pair play a big part in the resolution of the plot, which I will not spoil.
     To say the least, I can say I found some inspiration from Nostradamus's ridiculous "prediction." Perhaps I'm not giving him due credit. For all I know, the world COULD on December 21, 2012, seeing how that's Snooki's due date. Food for thought.

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