Wednesday, March 7, 2012


         We live in a world where it's more likely to be hit by lightning, than be an only child. In fact, if you're reading this, there's a 85% chance you have either a brother, sister, or both. We can attribute this to "golden standards" perpetuating a family of four -a mother, a father, an older son, and his younger sister. That, and well, to put simply, we live in an age of heightened libido, ere go, more children being born, especially within the same family. And although the initial childhood may prove challenging with the ongoing bickering and sibling rivalries, there is a point where they come to mature and realize that those kinds of actions are best left behind, as they are a very important part of their immediate family.
         I am currently living through such a transition. In our childhood years, the Procreator pitted us all against each other, and thus, my brother, sister, and I have constantly lived in a state of hostility towards each other. In recent years, we've all come to terms with the fact that it is individually none of our faults for all of those years wasted. We are now all on generally very amiable terms, and I speak fondly with my sister, who confides in me a lot, which is rather refreshing. I even turned a new page with my brother, today. Ever since he swore off ties with the Procreator, he's showed that he's cared about my sister and I by supporting us from afar. I had a moving heart-to-heart phone conversation with him, today. We even both said "I love you" to each other. That's honestly a first. I just wish that things were this way earlier. No complaints, though. I'm just glad that they are a reality now.

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